This month we’ve seen quite a number of small improvements in various areas, such as support for book-specific style tweaks, support for ::before/after, an offline add link to Wallabag queue, as well as some Android fixes. Enjoy!
Let's face it, all of KDE's task switchers other than Compact are awful in varying degrees. Unfortunately I found it to be missing. Luckily the solution is simple on Debian/Ubuntu.
There’s this upcoming videogame called Skatebird. The demo was quite promising. But what you didn’t know is that many of those birbs read heaps and gobs of classic literature from Project Gutenberg and Just like us!
Shamelessly lifted from Norbert Preining in case I forget. I still haven't actually continued Broken Sword 5 past the first few rooms, just like a few years ago. Create a file named ~/.alsoftrc with this in it. [pulse] allow-moves=true