The One with the Thoughts of Frans

Archive for Software

KOReader 2022.01 “Union of Utrecht”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.

KO january A-01

The Pragmatic Sanction of 1549, as well as the Unions of Atrecht and Utrecht are important markers in the history of the low countries. We should be wary of attaching too much importance to such historical facts, but it’s certainly defensible that the present-day nations of the Netherlands and Belgium sprang from these pro- and anti-Spanish alliances.

The Union of Utrecht is best characterized as a military alliance to defend freedom of religion against a governor who was not prepared to make even a single concession. By signing the Union of Utrecht, the eternal departure from Spanish king Philip had been made official. Formally this didn’t happen until two years later, when Philip decided to declare William of Orange a wanted man. This directly led to the States-General declaring the Act of Abjuration. Not only did the States-General not leave a shadow of a doubt as to their thoughts on the matter, but it made reconciliation impossible. A total victory over the Spanish was the only solution. So it goes.

Book Map and Page Browser

Perhaps the most interesting additions this month are the Book map and Page browser (#8613). The book map shows a map of the content of a book, including the ToC, bookmarks, read pages and non-linear flows. The page browser shows thumbnails of pages. There are quite a few explanatory screenshots in this comment, or of course you can just play with it yourself.

File Browser

The file browser has been expanded with a basic select mode (#8595), making it easier to apply certain actions like deleting or moving to multiple files at once. Additionally, there’s a new display for the number of files and subfolders in folders (#8598).

All the Rest

Logo credit: @bubapet

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

  • New lights driver for Onyx, as well as support for Onyx Nova Air, Onyx Nova 3 Color, Onyx Darwin 7 (#8562) @pazos
  • Menu widget: add extra (left) title button (#8564) @hius07
  • Various improvements to the Exporter plugin:
    • [plugin] Exporter: add support (#8548) @dgarrett
    • [plugin] Exporter: handle newlines in HTML highlight export (#8551) @dgarrett
    • [plugin] Exporter: HTML template fix (#8592) @hius07
    • [plugin] Exporter: ensure we’re connected before sending highlights (#8604) @dgarrett
  • [UX] CloudStorage redesign (#8569) @hius07
  • [CI] Update macOS GitHub Action to macOS 11 (#8525) @sayomelu
  • [fix] batterystat: change per hour (#8582) @hius07
  • Style tweaks:
    • Style tweaks: add in-page classic classname Polish footnotes (#8587) @Frenzie
      Style tweaks allow customizing how EPUB and FB2 documents are displayed far beyond the simple toggles in the interface. See here for more information. By default classic classname footnotes are not enabled, since they are a workaround for older documents that predate proper footnote support in EPUB.
    • Style tweaks: add “Ignore publisher line-break restrictions” (#8640) @poire-z
  • Filemanager select mode: add folder buttons (#8595) @hius07
  • Screensaver: allow limiting stretch of covers and images (#8570) @zwim
  • Dropbox: upload file, create folder (#8610) @hius07
  • OPDS: add Standard Ebooks server (#8606) @QJKX
  • FileChooser: show nb of files and subdirs in folders (#8598) @hius07
  • Add Book map and Page browser features (#8613) @poire-z
  • Adding some combinations with accents and breathings with letters “α” and “η” to Greek keyboard (#8622) @ichnilatis-gr
  • Wallabag : adds an option to send the review as tags on wallabag (#8637) @agallou
  • Pocketbook: switch the Wi-Fi on before attempting to connect (#8546) @andrewshadura

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

Installation instructions: AndroidCervantesChromeOSKindleKoboPocketBookReMarkableDesktop LinuxMacOS

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KOReader 2021.12 “Belisarius”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.


Around this time of year back in 533, Belisarius defeated the Vandals in the Battle of Tricamarum. Incidentally, there are also some amusing legends surrounding Belisarius’ menorah. According to Procopios, after Belisarius took Carthage in 534 a menorah was part of the loot. But once the lamp arrived in Constantinople, a Jew visiting Justinian pointed out that the religious artifact had brought disaster to every city it had ever been in: Jerusalem had been conquered by the Romans, Rome had been sacked by the Vandals, and Carthage in turn had been conquered by the Byzantines. On second thought, The Menorah of Destruction would’ve been a more exciting name for this release, wouldn’t it? Maybe next year.

Hiding under the unassuming commit message speaking of group operations, the file browser now supports applying actions to multiple files (#8536). It works through the Select files action in the Plus (+) menu.

The event dispatcher can now be used to set a specific font face (#8555).

And last but not least, hanging punctuation has been made just a little more beautiful (#8528).

Logo credit: @bubapet

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

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KOReader 2021.11 “November Leaves”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.


Did you know that mosquitoes are supposed to crawl up into their winter holes by late September in northern hemispheres? If you didn’t, don’t feel bad, because apparently the mosquitoes don’t know either. The weather’s too mild which is confusing them.

As always there have been many optimizations, most noteworthy this month the improved Japanese support thanks to @cyphar (#8312, #8372, #8446).

Logo credit: @bubapet

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

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KOReader 2021.10 “Seagull”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.


You can see many seagulls out and about this time of year, often even far inland.

The biggest news this month may well be @zwim‘s new Autowarmth plugin (#8129), which improves on and replaces all prior implementations. In advanced mode, it offers a smorgasbord of customization options, but luckily there’s no need to dive into the nitty gritty of all the different kinds of dusk and dawn. Who knew there were so many!

Logo credit: @bubapet

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

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Web Apps Opera Bork Edition

It’s been 18 years since Opera published their classic bork edition, to protest that MSN would have loaded properly in the browser if only it were served the same code as Internet Explorer.

“Hergee berger snooger bork,” says Mary Lambert, product line manager desktop, Opera Software. “This is a joke. However, we are trying to make an important point. The MSN site is sending Opera users what appear to be intentionally distorted pages. The Bork edition illustrates how browsers could also distort content, as the Bork edition does. The real point here is that the success of the Web depends on software and Web site developers behaving well and rising above corporate rivalry.”

Since I’m a Vivaldi user, today’s the first time I noticed that Chrome on Android artificially restricts installing webpages as apps on the homescreen. Only webpages that specify a manifest.json can receive such a hallowed treatment, instead of every single webpage ever made. For the rest of the internet, there’s only a shortcut. While the situation is not quite comparable, I found the design principle sufficiently distasteful to revive Opera’s classic bork script, in this case specifically targeting the Chrome browser.

You can put it on your website or in your TamperMonkey to remind you when you accidentally open Chrome. The classic result looks like this:

A borked Vivaldi announcement as seen in Chrome.

/* -*- mode: C++; mode: font-lock; tab-width: 4 -*-
 * 2003-02-10
 * The Enchefizer code is based on a script fetched from 
 * written by Andriy Rozeluk , which is
 * based on a Java version written by Josh Vura-Weis
 * , which is based on a UNIX version
 * from 1993 written by John Hagerman  and
 * Jeff Allen 
 * Subsequently hacked by Opera Software to work inside a page by 
 * traversing the DOM tree, and to improve performance. 
 * Typical usage is to add the following text to the bottom of a page:

const classicOperaBork = () => {
    var victim=false;   // false (apply to any page) or regex to match page URL
    //var victim=/^http:\/\/(?:(?:www|msdn)|;
    var delay=50;       // ms between replacements, set to 0 to disable waiting
    var units=30;       // number of text nodes to translate each time
    var highlight=true; // highlight the text we're working on

    var textnodes=[];   // text nodes in the doc
    var nextnode=0;     // next node to process

    function nextWordPos(line)
		var p =[ \n\t\\,<.>/?;:\'\"\[{\]}|=+\-_!@#$%^&*()~`]/);
        return p == -1 ? line.length+1 : p;

    function encheferizeLine(line)
		var buff="", word="", t="", out="", wp;

		while(line.length > 0)
			wp = nextWordPos(line);
			word = line.substring(0,wp);
			t = line.charAt(wp);
			line = line.substring(wp+1,line.length);
			out = out + encheferizeWord(word) + t;
		if(t == ".")
	        out = out + "\nBork Bork Bork!";

		return out;

    function encheferizeWord(word)
		if(word.toLowerCase() == "bork") return word;
		var letter, count, len, buff, i_seen, isLast;
			} else if(letter=='t'){
				if(count==len-2 && word.charAt(count+1)=='h'){
					buff = buff + "t";
				} else if(count<=len-3 && word.charAt(count+1)=='h'
						  && word.charAt(count+2)=='e'){
					buff = buff + "zee";
			} else if(letter=='T' && count<=len-3 && word.charAt(count+1)=='h'
					  && word.charAt(count+2)=='e'){                                                
				buff = buff + "Zee";
			} else if(letter=='v'){
				buff = buff + "f";
			} else if(letter=='V'){
				buff = buff + "F";
			} else if(letter=='w'){
				buff = buff + "v";
			} else if(letter=='W'){
				buff = buff + "V";
			//End of rules.  Whatever is left stays itself
			buff = buff + letter;

    function bork()
		var limit = delay == 0 ? Number.MAX_VALUE : units;
		var start=nextnode;
		var oldc = new Array();
		var n, i, candidate;

		if (highlight)
			for ( n=start, i=0 ; i < limit && n < textnodes.length ; n++, i++ )
				candidate = textnodes[n];
				oldc[i] =;

			for ( n=start, i=0 ; i < limit && n < textnodes.length ; n++, i++ )
				candidate = textnodes[n]; = 'red';

		for ( i=0 ; i < limit && nextnode < textnodes.length ; nextnode++, i++ )
			candidate = textnodes[nextnode];

		if (highlight)
			for ( n=start, i=0 ; i < limit && n < textnodes.length ; n++, i++ )
				candidate = textnodes[n]; = oldc[i];


    function bork_more()
		if (nextnode < textnodes.length)
			setTimeout( bork, delay );

    /* In large docs traversal is a bottleneck at startup; we could
       CPS it or otherwise reify the traversal state to interleave
       traversal with the translation.
    function find_textnodes(elm, acc)
		if (elm.nodeType == 3)
			if (!^[\s\n\r]*$/))
			var c = elm.childNodes;
			for ( var i=0 ; i < c.length ; i++ )
		return acc;

    /* run page's onload handler, then do our thing */
    var res = false;

    if (typeof old_onload == "function")
		res = old_onload();

    if (/*window == top &&*/ (!victim || window.location.href.match(victim)) )
		textnodes = find_textnodes(document.body, new Array());
    return res;
if (window.navigator.userAgentData.brands.filter(e => e.brand === 'Google Chrome').length > 0) {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', classicOperaBork);


KOReader 2021.09 “September Cheese”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.


Traditionally, September cheese is made in — you guessed it — September. This is when the grass and milk are at their best. We hope this release won’t take as long to ripen though.

This month the keyboard sports a new coat of paint (#8089), and crengine (the EPUB renderer) has received various improvements (#8165, #8197).

The Evernote plugin has been deprecated due to changes in the Evernote API. It has been replaced by the more generically named Exporter plugin, which supports Joplin, HTML, and plain text export (#7983).

Logo credit: @bubapet

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

  • WebDAV: Handle non-self-closing tag for empty collection (#8121) @johnbeard
  • Kindle: don’t kill kb service on start (#8122) @hius07
  • [plugin] Change OPDS filetype algorithm to extension first, mimetype second (#8115) @Frenzie
  • VirtualKeyboard: redesign and enhancements (#8089) @MoreFoxBeans @mergen3107
    • Virtual keyboard: default layout, compact mode (#8142) @hius07
    • Keyboard preferred layouts: usability fixes (#8159) @hius07
  • [UX] HE keyboard: Use updated symbols from new layout (#8131) @yparitcher
  • Various WebDAV fixes (#8121, #8137, #8138) @johnbeard
  • [plugin] Exporter plugin without evernote (#7983) @pazos
  • Paged documents can now be controlled through Dispatcher (#7671) @yparitcher
  • calibre: gui to choose default extension (#8146) @pazos
  • crengine: support for ‘box-sizing’, and other fixes (#8165) @poire-z
    Includes among others:
    • (Upstream) Various CHM handling fixes, and others
    • HTML documents: rebuild TOC from headings after load
    • Font: use metrics for underline offset and thickness
    • epub.css, html5.css: tweak ruby styling
    • CSS: fix EPUB’s head>style content encoding
    • CSS: add support for ‘box-sizing: content-box/border-box’
    • CSS: support for styling the element
      Also bump KoboUSBMS to v1.2.2 and FBInk to v1.24.0.
      ReaderFont’s “Generate font test document”: update the generated HTML so its ToC is build from proper HTML headings.
  • Footer: add Warmth as footer item (#8060) @zwim
  • Style tweaks: add a few ruby specific tweaks (#8189) @poire-z @davidvelosa
  • crengine: CSS: parse/skip at-rules (#8197) @poire-z
  • Readersearch: add button to recall search input dialog (#8190) @hius07
  • Add passwordless wifi support (#8196) @Mel-kior
  • Fix OPDS plugin bug wherein Arxiv PDF document acquisition URLs are not given a callback to download (#8210) @roygbyte
  • [plugin] NewsDownloader: fix XML, better error messages, change default feed, and more (#8145) @roygbyte
  • Dispatcher: Revamp sections and item order (#8200) @yparitcher

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

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PipeWire on Ubuntu 21.10

On Debian 11 and Ubuntu 21.04, you can use the Debian wiki to get a basic setup working, but adapting that to newer version is a bit laborious. Instead a kind soul has already taken care of everything over at pipewire-debian. It’s also a more recent version.

So why use it? In my case, I’ve had PulseAudio crap out when having to deal with more over 20 or so things at once. PipeWire deals with load rather significantly better. I understand latency’s much better too, but that’s never bothered me too much for my fairly regular uses. What’s nice though, is that you can use JACK tools like catia to map stuff around. I don’t think PA had any graphical tools like that, and cryptic command-line commands are too much of a bother for quick one-offs. For the moment I mildly miss PulseAudio’s networking ability.

In short, I’ve switched over my laptops. But I might give it a try on my desktop too.

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KOReader 2021.08 “Fall Weather”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.


We now have a user guide thanks to @offset-torque‘s hard work. This should make it easier for new users to find their way across the program’s features.

Starting with 2021.08, the Kobo Elipsa is supported (#7986, #8004, #8057).

The zsync plugin has been unmaintained for a long time, so it’s now been deprecated (#7957).

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

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Put Save Dialog Buttons Back at the Bottom on Debian 11 Xfce 4.16

Apparently action buttons have moved to the top now, even though people scan from the top left to the bottom right?
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/DialogsUseHeader -s false


KOReader 2021.05 “Yellow Daffodil”

As one of the maintainers of KOReader, a versatile a document and image viewer, I’m proud to announce the latest release.


It was a nice spring month with a great quantity of smaller bug fixes, but nothing huge. In other news, there’s a new contrib repository that can more freely accept most user plugin submissions regardless whether we think it fits in with the rest of the program. Please see the README over there for more information.

Image credit: Daffodil, Harmsworth’s Universal Encyclopedia, 1900

We’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. Some highlights since the previous release include:

  • [plugin] Add a caching mechanism for CoverImage (#7510) @zwim
  • Gestures: Allow disabling tap and/or swipes for page turns (#7572) @gbyl
  • PocketBook: Workaround platform shenanigans when aplying an OTA (#7585) @NiLuJe
  • CloudStorage (FTP): Do not buffer entire download in memory (#7597) @null-dev
  • Dispatcher: add “Toggle status bar” action (#7606) @hius07
  • bump crengine: more granular font weights (#7616) @poire-z
  • Kindle: Enable AutoSuspend plugin (#7612) @NiLuJe
  • FM/RD lifecycle cleanup; Cache revamp; unbreak AutoSuspend (#7624) @NiLuJe
  • DropboxAPI: Handle pagination (#7621) @reuning
  • android: Prompt for install updates when they’re downloaded (#7632, #7649, #7657) @pazos
  • [chore] Move SDL check to the end of Device’s probe function (#7682) @pazos
  • InputDialog: add ‘Go to line’ button (#7673) @hius07

Full changelogclosed milestone issues

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