The One with the Thoughts of Frans

Fix Nvidia GPU Not Working in Ubuntu 22.10

Not exercising patience, I updated to Kubuntu 22.10 on release (but post-beta), and immediately ran into an unsigned kernel module issue.

tl;dr DKMS wasn’t signing things but a fix exists already. See here for all the details. The quickest way to solve the problem is to temporarily add the kinetic-proposed repo to your /etc/apt/sources.list, apt update, grab the new 3.0.6-2ubuntu2 version of DKMS, and enjoy your working Nvidia card. Alternatively you could go through the regular backport procedures, but in this case why bother.

# proposed for dkms fix
deb kinetic-proposed main

This post should be obsolete very soon. 😉


The Mono repo broke my apt (and how I fixed it)

Apparently this is not completely unusual, see here. The only solution I found was to manually remove a whole bunch of oddly codependent Mono packages manually with sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mono-this mono-that mono-whatever-else-shows-up. apt and apt-get were pretty stumped.

Hopefully this helps someone else.

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Setting up Syncthing on a Debubuntu VPS

It couldn’t be much easier. First of all, you install the application using the official Apt repository. You want the repo so security updates and the like are automatically applied alongside your regular unattended upgrades. You are automatically applying security updates, aren’t you?

# Add the release PGP keys:
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -

# Add the "release" channel to your APT sources:
echo "deb syncthing release" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list

# Update and install syncthing:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install syncthing

Following installation, I’ve seen it suggested to temporarily change the configuration to allow remote web access, but it seems to me that SSH tunneling is much easier to use than changing the configuration every time you might want to enter the settings. Something like this should do. (Update: the manual already mentions it.)

ssh user@hostname -L 8500:localhost:8384

Subsequently, use localhost:8500 to access the configuration. You can of course use the same trick to make phpMyAdmin more secure. With that out of the way you can follow the manual for setting up Syncthing as a systemd service.

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Bash autocomplete broken?

There’s the obvious check if bash-completion is installed, but what I didn’t realize is that .bashrc needs to contain a few things as well. If you lost it, the simple solution, at least in Debuntu, is as follows:

cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/

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Geany Regex Replace

Geany has a nice story about named matching groups in the manual, but those don’t seem to work in the actual find & replace dialog. Instead, you can refer to them by number. Less convenient, but generally workable.

I’ll give you a concrete example. I copied my list of games from Humble Bundle to be able to examine them better locally. I didn’t see an obvious way, so I just copied them from the website (by deactivating the user-select: none CSS property). Long story short, I ended up with a list like this:

Anomaly Korea
11 bit studios

Anomaly Warzone Earth
11 bit studios

Another World

Bit Blot

Avadon: The Black Fortress
Spiderweb Software

Gaijin Games

Blackwell 1: Legacy
Wadjet Eye Games

Blackwell 2: Unbound
Wadjet Eye Games

Blackwell 3: Convergence
Wadjet Eye Games

Kerosene Games

Bridge Constructor
Merge Games

Using the regex pictured above, that turns into this:

Anomaly Korea;11 bit studios

Anomaly Warzone Earth;11 bit studios

Another World;DotEmu

Aquaria;Bit Blot

Avadon: The Black Fortress;Spiderweb Software

BIT.TRIP BEAT;Gaijin Games

Blackwell 1: Legacy;Wadjet Eye Games

Blackwell 2: Unbound;Wadjet Eye Games

Blackwell 3: Convergence;Wadjet Eye Games

Bladeslinger;Kerosene Games

Bridge Constructor;Merge Games

After optionally stripping out the double newlines (replace \n\n with \n), you can save the file as a .csv and open it in Calc. And there you have it. My complete list of Android games:

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Steam Scaling on Linux

Since I don’t use Steam that much I don’t know when it was added, but it’s nice that Steam is no longer tiny on my UHD monitor.

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Is Thunar the first Gtk file browser to implement breadcrumbs almost right?

The biggest issue with breadcrumbs in Nautilus and Nemo is that suddenly you can only reach the full path by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L or with too precise clicking somewhere far from where you need to be. Thunar has always shared this problem, but it looks like it was silently fixed in the 1.8.x release. (That is, I couldn’t find anything about it in the NEWS file.)

Note how everything to the right of the breadcrumbs is a giant button to activate location entry. Very elegant. Next, let’s have some “Open terminal here” on the breadcrumbs!

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Three-finger middle click on modern touchpads in Xfce

I went with a mildly deceptive clickbait title since this is generic, not specific.

The simplest way is to add synclient TapButton3=2 to your ~/.bashrc:

echo synclient TapButton3=2 >> ~/.bashrc


Sort Folders Before Files in the Gtk3 Filechooser

It’s quite simple to do but surprisingly hard to find. Mixed files and folders confuse me. They seem disorganized.

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How To Play Mark of the Ninja on Debian Stretch

To resolve the weird “ERROR: Missing required OpenGL extensions,” set the environment variable force_s3tc_enable=true.

force_s3tc_enable=true ./

An alternative, more permanent solution consists of isntalling libtxc-dxtn-s2tc:

sudo apt install libtxc-dxtn-s2tc

Thanks to the game’s forum.

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