The One with the Thoughts of Frans

Adding a User Font Size Preference to Simple Machines

Users should be able to choose their default font size easily through their browser, and their choice should be respected. But because all browsers default to 16px and most people never change the default, many sites—including Wikipedia—set their font-size to about 80% of that value to end up at a font size of 12px or 13px. Thus users might be prevented from lowering their font size on a site that actually respects their preferences if they so desire.

Because I don’t believe that either joining the 80% crowd or specifying a size in pixels is generally the right answer, I decided to add a user preference that overrides the font-size on the HTML element. For this to work as intended, your stylesheet needs to be entirely in percentages, em, rem, or use equivalent keywords like small and large.

First, in Admin > Configuration > Core Features, enable Advanced Profile Fields. Then, you can add custom profile fields in Admin > Configuration > Features and Options > Profile Fields. I added one named “Font size” with an input mask of /^[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,2})?(em|pt|px|%)$/.

Assuming your theme is based on the default, start editing index.template.php. Then, under the linked stylesheets you can put the override:

	// Custom user font-size
	if ($context['user']['is_logged']) {
		global $user_profile;
		if (!empty($user_profile[$context['user']['id']]['options']['cust_fontsi'])) {
			echo '
	<style>', 'html {font-size: ', $user_profile[$context['user']['id']]['options']['cust_fontsi'], '}', '</style>';

To find out exactly what kind of useful values you can obtain from e.g. $context and $user_profile, you can use var_dump($user_profile).

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