The One with the Thoughts of Frans

Archive for TV


I never quite followed Friends while it was still on. Over the past two months or so I have been watching all of the Friends episodes (mainly because I liked the show Joey which is a spin-off of Friends) and yesterday I watched the final double episode. In the end I realised that all I had already seen quite a few episodes from the last season, because a friend of me was a big fan.

The strange part is more how you can grow so easily accustomed to things, especially if you have them so straight-forward available to you. While having no new Lost episodes for another 2 weeks is a little bit annoying, it’s not like I really miss it a lot. That is more because I find season 2 incredibly less interesting than season 1, I would have missed season 1 a lot.

Anyway, on average, I watched like 2-3 episodes of Friends every day. So all in all that was two months without any shortage. But now it’s gone all gone. It feels like such a huge gap. I could start watching it from the top again. 😛

I simply didn’t realise in the past that so many people liked Friends because it describes real life so well (disregarding too expensive apartments and clothes). Probably it didn’t do so because I didn’t live on myself back then…
