The One with the Thoughts of Frans

Forwardport (reverse backport) Muon to Ubuntu 24.04

Apparently Muon was kicked out of Debian/Ubuntu for being inactive, but since it’ll take a while longer for bitrot to set in, for now a quick forwardport will suffice.

Muon is nice for quickly being able to select multiple things at once and it searches while you type. They’re just a few little UI conveniences. Synaptic is seemingly identical, but there you have to authenticate even before performing any actions, which makes it much more annoying to use.

dget -xu
cd muon-5.8.0
dch --local ~frenzie "forwardport"
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -sa
cd ..
sudo apt install ./muon_5.8.0-2ubuntu1~frenzie1_amd64.deb

For more info on how to backport packages, see this random search result.

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