Het Alerteringssysteem Terrorismebestrijding
Today we all got a “Netherlands against terrorism” brochure in the mailbox. I would just like to point out how incredibly “useful” it is.
Most interesting of all, it contains a list explaining certain words at the back.
- Terrorisme (terrorism)
- Infiltreren (to infiltrate)
- De Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding (NCTb, national coordinator terrorism-prevalence)
- Radicalisering (radicalising)
- Propaganda (propaganda)
- Het Alerteringssysteem Terrorismebestrijding (alert system terrorism-fighting)
- Samenspannen (conspire)
- Innovaties (innovations)
- Forensisch onderzoek (forensic research)
As you can see those are all words no human being has ever heard before, if you don’t count that most of them occur in the paper, on television, on the radio and on the internet daily. Except one, perhaps. The ugliest one of them all. The “alerteringssysteem”. My first thought on the word was “what goddamn idiot/anglofile used that instead of waarschuwingssysteem”. And then on to the description: “a alerteringssysteem is a waarschuwingssysteem”. Call the thing what it is.
Anyway, besides for that horrible word the whole brochure is made for 2 years olds with a mental-handicap. If it was made the way I presume it was – in a coffeeshop with a good joint – then I forgive them. Otherwise someone has to be convicted. 😛
*was very relieved to read that “Samenspannen” just means “to conspire”*
March 2, 2006 @ 19:59Permalink
Samenspannen means to pull together. So it certainly doesn’t mean just that…
March 4, 2006 @ 11:03Permalink
March 11, 2006 @ 16:29Permalink
Joey Roe