An assignment
Melantrys passed some meme to me, and, in lack of a different weblog, I decided to post this here for now and not in a comment. Else this place [the MyOpera blog] looks so deserted… oh wait, it already did? I can only say one thing to that: bluh.
Seven Things I Plan To Do
- Spend some more actual time on my studies.
- Let that result in getting ECs.
- Get my hair cut.
- See every episode of Lost and keep up with the US (Mel already said that, but it applies to me as well. In fact, I’m her Lost-source, or whatever that should be called; Lost-source sounds really weird).
- Winter sports (skiing and snowboarding) sometime before I’m 80 and am not flexible enough anymore.
- Visit the US, Canada, Italia and… well, just more of the world.
- Own a huge library of books to read in peace and quiet.
Seven things I can do
- Say very strange things semi-random such as
My moon-name is Oela-Bikila!
and make people laugh by that. - Write amusing stories.
- Blow up a clap-switch by turning the voltage too high and clapping.
Get two girls in my bedSurvive Italian pillows.- Completely ignore the apocalypse while reading a good book or playing a good game.
- Notice the apocalypse three hours later when my laptop dies from lack of energy. Meanwhile I wouldn’t notice the lights going out, of course.
- Automatically filter out advertisements and religious crap with my brain so that I don’t remember what people told me if it had something to do with religion.
Seven Things I Can’t Do
- Concentrate on things I have to concentrate on.
- Watch Lost before it’s broadcast in the US.
- Murder Bill Gates, put on some stupid glasses and pretend to be him.
- Stop considering Opera superior to all other browsers.
- Watch a big mess in the living room and not clean it up (well, usually).
- Keep track of time while playing Rome Total War or reading a good book.
- Consider Balkenende a great leader.
Seven things I say most often
- "Hmm". Can mean anything from "what?" to "yes" to "no" or "not funny" to "crap, no inspiration to make one of my usual senseless comments".
- "Bluh". Braby gave me this word which I now always use for "whatever".
- "lol". Often in the Dutch sense, the consequence of which is that it results in the laughing out loud sense if foreigners don’t understand that.
- "Skol". The word I use most often for "cheers". Other favourites include "proost", "prosit" and "santé".
- "Godverdomme". It sounds really good, it reliefs when you hurt something and it can possibly offend Christians. What more do you want?
- "Ja". Isn’t yes possibly the most used word in any language (as long as "hmm" isn’t used as global replacement)?
- "Girl, girl, girl". The start of the lyrics of Anouk’s song "Girl" which is pretty much our flat anthem.