Calendar changelog
0.7.1 (in progress)
- I removed a couple of things from the
opening tag and put them in the ECMAscript file instead. I used John Resig’s flexible javascript events to do this in a more efficient way. - Double clicking anywhere in the entire canvas will now trigger the version number.
- At the beginning I switched to XHTML Transitional 1.0. Later I switched to Strict. Now I switched to HTML 4.01 Strict. Why? I didn’t use anything which HTML couldn’t do (in fact it is the other way around, I use things HTML can do, but true XHTML can’t do). So this makes it all smaller and doesn’t make any further differences.
all the way for me. 😉 - A couple of updates in the default CSS file which better represent my current knowledge of CSS, rather than my knowledge of CSS as it was early in 2003.
- Added Fronleichnam to the German language file
holidays[(bozDay + ' ' + bozMonth)] = 'Fronleichnam';
To do:
- Number of calendars displayed is now actually flexible, thanks to Raehl.
- The calendar website got another revamp and is now also part of my new website. I will post some progress of the development on my weblog now and then as well.
- The week on and off checkbox will now work correctly (it’s a bug in Opera, not in the calendar).
- Changed weekend colour on a couple of files.
- Holiday is now shown using title.
To do:
- Add support for cookie based reminders?
- Enable multiple holidays on one date.
9 March 2005
- More power over number of calendars displayed.
- Swedish language file now has the correct swedish abbreviation for week.
- The IE installation procedure should be as optimized as possible.
- install.html contains more options.
- This website got a little revamp. Sadly it still crashes in IE…
- All CSS files updated for 5 calendar view.
- Italian language file added (thanks to Alessandro).
- calculateDay() function added.
- Holiday is now shown using title.
- Changed method for finding out when the browser is IE since Opera now actually has window.activeXObject as a result for supporting XMLHTTPrequest.
To do:
- Add support for cookie based reminders?
- Enable multiple holidays on one date.
22 May 2004
- It is now possible to define the styles of the popup window.
- Added Watchzine skin.
- Added installer for IE test.
To do:
- Finish the IE installer test thing.
6 May 2004
- It is now possible to define holidays in two ways. Either you include the year, which will only make it work in one year, or you don’t include the year, which will make it work in every year. You will notice how I’ve done this if you take a look at the very small change I’ve made in the jpn.js file.
- Updated the windows skin a bit.
- Harry skin updated into the newer skinning options.
- The former version had a small bug with the clock.js, I uploaded a fixed one, but this version includes it of course.
To do:
- I suppose I will look into adding some of Klinx’ calendar into mine, if he allows me to do so, of course.
27 April 2004
- The menu is now pretty easy to customize.
- Old i-tags and style declarations removed.
- Carthago stylesheet added (thanks scipio).
- Harry stylesheet updated
- Everything should have an id now.
- Week radiobuttons replaced by one checkbox.
To do:
- On year changes the holidays for two months are loaded. This needs a fix.
22 April 2004
- Some UI changes. I won’t mention them all seperated. You’ll see them.
- install.html up to date.
- Added the week display, and of course the ability to turn them off.
- Added the first submitted stylesheet. As the name says, it was submitted by Harry. I’ve also used some of his suggestions to improve the UI (with my interpretation of course ;)).
- Non-Troppo updated my Breeze CSS file with his ideas. Surely a nice twist.
- The calendar won’t give errors with Internet Explorer and Mozilla anymore. Instead, I’ve done the opposite. The Calendar is now a good Mozilla panel as well. The install.html also allows you to add the Calendar panel as a sidebar. A Mac user told me Safari displays the Calendar fine as well.
- Weekends are now customizable in the language file.
- The Asian language problem should be fixed.
To do:
- On year changes the holidays for two months are loaded. This needs a fix.
20 April 2004
0.3.3 RC 666 (I liked Winamp 5 RC 666)
- Added a version indicator. Double-click anywhere in the calendar to check it out.
- Added a minimalist stylesheet.
- Fixed the bug that sometimes not all text would load. The status bar which doesn’t disappear only appears when popping up from a frame…
- Along with the fix above, made it easier to add holidays. They only need to be normally escaped again.
- Put the clock options a bit more centered than before. I never really noticed they weren’t looking really nice, until I started updating the install.html file, because I don’t use the clock myself.
- Spend some time on updating the install.html file. It now also offers easy access to some more advanced features.
- Fixed the advanced settings year thing, you won’t switch back to the year you were looking at when clicking on another month.
- Removed everything related to close window from the language .js files, saving much space. Even more if I keep futural other language additions in mind.
- The @ button now remembers wether you chose EU or US.
To do:
- Think of something to change to 0.4…
17 december 2003
- Fixed a table width spacing mistake, caused by a width="20". This is now controlled by the CSS file, including min-width and max-width.
- As preceded by the CSS file selector, now also the language file selector is situated in a seperated .js file.
- Hungarian language file added (thanks to karaj).
- A lot of other language files added as well. Thanks to everyone who contributed. The total count is now 7.
- The date format is now customizable in the language .js file as well.
- You can now also style the individual months using class="m[1-12]".
To do:
- Add a way to disable weekends.
- Create a minimalist stylesheet.
13 december 2003
- Fixed iframe heigth in installation.html by using css. Also corrected a little javascript element which did nothing in the HTML except making default ("") have the value of +layout+, which is pretty senseless without javascript to give it a value.
- Also fixed that you had to fill in a title yourself during the installation. It will now automatically say "Calendar". Of course you can always fill in something else…
- Fixed a small stupid bug with All saints day.
- Changed the main filename to lowercase.
- Changed the behaviour of the language selector. Now you only have to add the actual file and modify the string. No javascript editing required anymore (except for the language file).
- The layout is now done using css. This means complete layout control for everybody who understands it without having to edit the js. I’ve included a little example.css file to demonstrate the possibilities a little bit.
- Seperated the css selector so it’s easier to add css files to it. Like the language file, you only have to modify the string.
- Updated the readme file into this nice HTML thing you’re currently looking at.
- Removed old unnessecary code and/or commands. Thus the file is smaller now.
To do:
- Look into the skin based on skin thing…
26 November 2003
- moving holidays added (thank you Bo Johansson)
- german language file added
To do:
- add all names to fixed holidays
- remove certain moving holidays from fixed holidays
- improve installation file
- make the script as compact as possible, because it has grown quite a lot lately, although mostly you won’t notice because the size is mostly in the language files
- get more persons like Bo 😛
4 May 2003
- fixed the problem with the link
- made the description popup compliant with the custom language file
- added installation.html file
- updated readme.txt file
To do:
- fix a problem that you get the same link on an entire weekend if the description is on a friday or saturday
- do something about stuff like eastern
3 May 2003
- language selection added
- little fix in the comment which explained how to add holidays
- if today is a holiday without description now also displayed in holiday style (default is red)
- fixed a small thing left from the AM PM format on the click button
To do:
- fix a problem that you get the same link on an entire weekend if the description is on a friday or saturday
- do something about stuff like eastern
3 May 2003
this is a modified version from a script I found at in some thread (show your modified Opera it was named I think…) I decided to optimise this script for my sidebar, by using CSS and not <FONT> stuff for everything… also I changed the HTML to XHTML 1.0
most important changes:
- << and >> on left and right side of month name
- changed the clock showing button to 24h (nope, I didn’t include a function to use AM and PM…)
- when you click on the button you get the number of minutes and the number of seconds. Not the number of minutes and the number of seconds representing that number of minutes
- CSS also makes the buttons easy to change
- description of holidays
- a little optimisation on some places, but that’s compensated by the features I added…
- more EU (and The Netherlands specifically) oriented
30 Apr 2003